Low Back Pain Treatment In Allison Park, PA
Low back pain is pervasive in our society. Many people don’t get the relief they deserve because rather than addressing the underlying cause, they focus on the symptoms, like pain. Their efforts may succeed temporarily, but their symptoms return once the medicine wears off. At Talley Cavey Chiropractic, we focus on identifying and correcting the root cause of your pain so you can have long-lasting relief and prevent future injury.
$99 New Patient Special
- Consultation With Your Doctor
- Thorough Chiropractic Examination
- X-Rays If Needed
- Customized Plan of Action
Misalignments in the spine (subluxations) can cause all sorts of problems because of the nervous system’s role in governing function in the body. Nervous system interference can cause low back pain by compressing nerves connected to your pain receptors. It can also cause diminished function by inhibiting the brain’s ability to control and regulate body functions. The brain communicates with every part of the body through your nerves. Most nerves travel through the spine to get to the organs, glands, muscles, and blood vessels that connect to and communicate messages to and from the brain.
Different types of stress cause misalignments in the spine that create nervous system interference. Physical, chemical, and emotional stress can all cause misalignments in spinal bones, and their effects are cumulative. Stress builds up, leaving you feeling fatigued – mentally and physically.
Specific chiropractic adjustments coupled with stretches and exercises can correct these misalignments. As we work to reposition the bones of the spine to where they are supposed to be and get them moving the way they should, we must also address the ligaments that encase the spine and the overlapping muscles connecting the spine to other parts of the body.
How Our Low Back Pain Care Plan Works
1. Schedule Your New Patient Appointment
Meet with the doctor to discuss your problem and receive a thorough evaluation to determine its root cause.
2. Your Tailored to Fit Plan
Your doctor will create a custom plan of attack to not only get you out of pain fast but to keep you out of pain long term.
3. Enjoy Optimal Health
Receive the care you need for your problem so you can do the things you want to do, when you want to do them, with the people that you love the most.
How We Treat Low Back Pain In Allison Park, PA
Comprehensive Consultation and Exam
We determine the cause of your low back pain by performing a thorough evaluation incorporating:
- Postural assessment
- Range of motion, orthopedic, and neurological testing
- Vertebral and musculoskeletal analysis
Our practice treats low back pain at its origin; we get to the root cause of the pain and eliminate it.
Specific Chiropractic Care in Allison Park, PA
Specific chiropractic adjustments are the primary means by which we address low back pain. Stretches and exercises reinforce these adjustments by relieving muscle tension and strengthening your stabilizing muscles.
Patients with low back pain caused by disc injuries can benefit from decompression therapy. This type of therapy directly targets the affected joint, creating distraction and encouraging rehydration of the disk.
Chiropractic care focuses on eliminating nervous system interference. We treat subluxation, a misalignment in the spine that irritates nerves and disrupts communication between the brain and vital body parts. Nerve compression is just one component of a subluxation. Misaligned joints become stuck or fixated, affecting flexibility and mobility.
There are also changes in musculature that can occur when there is pressure on a spinal nerve root. When nerve impulses are interfered with, muscles supporting the spine can weaken and atrophy. The reverse can also occur from overstimulation; muscles become tight and go into spasms. Discs can also be adversely affected when joints are out of position and stuck. With optimal mobility, spinal discs receive fluid and nutrients to remain healthy. A fixation in a joint reduces fluid and nutrient flow to the discs, resulting in disc thinning, and eventually, if the misalignment isn’t corrected, the bones of the spine will fuse together. This doesn’t have to happen; regular chiropractic care can prevent this degeneration.
Custom Therapeutic Exercise Plan
Core muscle weakness and imbalance also contribute to low back pain. Talley Cavey Chiropractic focuses on strengthening weak muscles and correcting imbalances to make your chiropractic care as effective as possible. During your exam, we’ll evaluate your range of motion and posture. We’ll create a specific exercise plan to address specific functional deficiencies and postural distortions based on what we find. In addition to helping you in the office, we’ll give you a tailored exercise plan to your specific needs.
Spinal Decompression in Allison Park, PA
Spinal discs sit between each vertebra and consist of a ring of coarse cartilaginous tissue surrounding a gelatinous nucleus. They create space between the vertebrae to keep pressure off spinal nerve roots and act as shock absorbers.
Injury to a disc, such as a disc bulge or herniation, puts direct pressure on the spinal cord or nerve root, causing low back pain. Spinal decompression therapy works to distract or decompress the disc to reduce bulging or herniation, thereby reducing the pressure on the nerve. This negative pressure improves fluid and nutrient circulation into the disc to aid healing.
Spinal decompression therapy was developed in 1985 and has helped millions of people since. Coupling decompression therapy with chiropractic adjustments and therapeutic exercises is an excellent long-term solution to lower back pain.
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Common Causes Of Low Back Pain In Allision Park, PA
Bulged Lumbar Discs
The spinal disc is the shock absorber or cushion between individual vertebrae. Discs are similar to jelly doughnuts. There are coarse connective tissue fibers (the doughnut) surrounding a gelatinous nucleus (the jelly).
Improper motion in the spinal joints over time causes the discs to wear down and dehydrate. When that happens, the coarse connective fibers begin to tear, especially if you have an injury, pick something up incorrectly, or get into an accident. The most common cause of spinal disc injury is lifting while bending and twisting. When the coarse connective tissue fibers of the outer disc tear, the nucleus pushes out, creating a bulge. That bulge puts pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine, triggering pain in your lower back that can also radiate down your legs.
Muscle Strain
Muscle strain is a common cause of lower back pain, causing dull and achy pain that intensifies with movement or certain positions. Normally, pain caused by muscle strain is localized to a particular area. Muscle strains can be caused by a slip or fall, sudden activity without warming up, repetitive motion, poor posture, or weak core muscles over time.
Muscle strains are often symptoms of a bigger problem. At Talley Cavey Chiropractic, we always work to treat the root cause of the problem rather than addressing only the symptoms.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal due to increased bone deposition or misalignments in the spine. Spinal stenosis can create a lot of significant symptoms, mainly because of pressure on the spinal cord and the adjacent nerves. Usually, people will find that standing or walking can aggravate their pain and that resting, sitting down, or even bending forward can help relieve some of the pressure. Not only can spinal stenosis cause pain, but it can also cause weakness, numbness, or organ dysfunction – like your bladder or bowels. Those are emergency situations, and you need to contact a medical doctor immediately.
Herniated Lumbar Discs
A herniated disc is similar to a bulging disc but more severe. When a disc herniates, the exterior connective tissue fibers tear, and the nucleus protrudes through the disc, pressing against a spinal nerve root or the spinal cord. Herniated discs tend to create more leg pain than lower back pain, which can be intense.
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction (SI Joint Pain)
The sacroiliac joint is where the sacrum – the triangular bone at the base of your spine – meets the two pelvic bones. The SI Joints are not meant to have much motion, and problems can arise when the joint moves too much or too little. Typically, when one isn’t moving, the other will compensate, and the pain is on the side opposite the problem.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative Disc Disease is the breakdown of discs and formation of spurs on the vertebral bodies. Without proper motion, spinal discs begin to break down. A fully hydrated disc has the height to create proper openings for the nerves to exit the spine and travel to all the different parts of the body. When the disc starts degenerating from improper motion, the foramen – the holes that the nerves come out of – begin to get smaller and compress the exiting nerves. This is one of the causes of low back pain and potentially radiating pain.
If fusion has not occurred, we can reverse degenerative disc disease. Restoring motion to the spinal joints transfers fluid and nutrients to the discs. It takes time for the spine to degenerate and time to reverse the degeneration, but with a solid treatment plan, the problem can be corrected. Better yet, you can avoid degeneration with preventative measures.
Chiropractors are the only healthcare professionals trained to address subluxation. Subluxation is a misalignment in the spine that causes nerve interference. Nerves are delicate fluid-filled membranes; spinal nerve roots are a bundle of delicate fluid-filled membranes exiting through an opening between spinal bones. All of the different stresses in life – physical, emotional, and chemical – can cause spinal bones to shift out of place. When out of place, the joints do not move properly, and the spinal nerve roots are compressed or pinched. When this happens, there is disruption in communication between the brain and the body, and this can cause pain and dysfunction throughout the body as the brain loses its ability to control and regulate your body’s functions.
Specific chiropractic adjustments are the only solution to subluxation. You can do all of the stretches and exercises that you want, but if a vertebra is stuck out of alignment and not moving properly, you’ll continue to have issues until you correct the alignment and restore that motion.
Facet Joint Dysfunction
Vertebral bodies make up the biggest portion of spinal joints, but there are other places where the bones of the spinal articulate. The facet joints are another place where the vertebrae are joined. Dysfunction in these joints typically causes more superficial pain. Facet Joint Dysfunction can be corrected with chiropractic adjustments.
Check Out Our Location Near You
4655 William Flinn Hwy # 125A, Allison Park, PA 15101
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I be worried about lower back pain?
Pain is our body’s alarm system, alerting us to a problem. Pain is the last symptom to arise and the first to go away, meaning if you’re experiencing pain, your body has already been in distress for some time. You should have your spine checked as soon as you begin feeling pain.
Low back pain alongside bowel or bladder dysfunction is a serious issue that requires immediate medical attention.
What can I do to relieve my lower back pain in Allison Park, PA?
A structural problem requires a structural solution. If your pain is caused by a subluxation, muscle imbalance, or disc injury, you will not get lasting low back pain relief until you address that issue. Chiropractors are the only professionals trained to identify and correct spinal misalignments. We also provide you with exercises to help reinforce our corrections and lead to lasting relief.
What causes lower back pain?
The main culprits of low back pain are subluxation, disc bulges or herniations, muscle tension, poor posture, and disc degeneration.
How should I sleep with lower back pain?
You should sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side with a pillow between your knees. This will deload your spine and keep it in a neutral position all night. You should never sleep on your stomach as it alters your spine’s natural curvature.
How do I tell if lower back pain is muscle or disc-related?
A chiropractic assessment will help determine the underlying cause of your pain, identifying spinal misalignments, muscle tension, or disc injuries.
Why won’t my lower back pain go away?
Pain is not a problem; it is a symptom. Addressing pain with painkillers will only have temporary success. To experience long-lasting low back pain relief, you must address the underlying cause of your pain.
Can a Chiropractor in Allison Park, PA, help with lower back pain?
Yes! Chiropractors are the only professionals trained to identify and correct spinal misalignments, the chief culprit behind low back pain.
What is better for lower back pain: a chiropractor or a massage?
Massage is excellent for relieving muscle tension that may be irritating nearby nerves. That muscle tension, however, is likely caused by a structural imbalance with your spine that needs to be addressed. If the imbalance is not corrected, your muscle tension will eventually return.
When should I see a Chiropractor in Allison Park, PA, for lower back pain?
As soon as possible. Pain is the last symptom to appear, meaning that by the time you feel it, your body has already been in distress for some time.
How can you tell if your spine is out of alignment?
Pain and irregular dysfunction are signs that your brain can’t adequately communicate with your body. You may also experience muscle tension as your musculature tries to compensate for an injury or notice abnormal posture.
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